CIE srl is pleased to inform you that ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, has dedicated an article to our digital conference «Alluminio & Acque»* held at CIE Headquarters on 14 April 2021.
The conference was divided into four sessions in which various topics related to water and aluminum were exposed, precisely such as the increasingly variable and restricted discharge limits, supply and sewage shortages, environmental protection policies. : proposals, ideas, experimentation of speakers (Chemical Specialties, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Zero Liquid Discharge) and waste disposal.
Read the interesting article edited by ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine describing the various presentations of the speakers.
You can also watch the video of speakers on our YouTube Channel, clicking here:
*Source: G. Lazzari, “Convegno Alluminio&Acque – 14 aprile 2021”, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 69 (maggio/giugno 2021), pagg. 162-164.